"While I do not claim with absolute certainty that King Juan Carlos is the Antichrist, I am very, very confident that he is. Of course, as I believe I've said here, and know that I've said elsewhere, should his son become king, his son would also qualify as the Antichrist (though not as 'strongly', it seems). If you would like to include some of the things that have been said about King Juan Carlos on your "[Fundies] Say the Darndest Things" website, may I recommend the following article about him? King Juan Carlos - Top Candidate for Antichrist." - Godsword, Planet Wisdom
If the European Union is the fulfillment of the "beast with 10 horns" of Daniel 7:7, then the Antichrist will be the ruler of the 11th nation to have joined that Union. Spain was the 11th nation to join the European Union, and the current ruler of Spain is King Juan Carlos. It appears to be quite likely that King Juan Carlos of Spain is the Antichrist.